Accessing the power of your voice is not just for singers.
It is for every human… to access your confidence, joy & unique vocal resonance.
Vocal Mentoring Sessions are intended to empower & resource you with tools to open those pipes, ‘tune’ your powerful body instrument, set new, empowering beliefs & embrace your unique soul juice.
Watch how your voice changes pitch, tone, confidence & texture!
Our Human Biofield is the key point of attraction for everything in our life experience (See 1:1 Attunements for information on the Human Biofield). Our Voice carries the resonance of our Biofield, our heart & soul, fears & dreams, trauma patterns or self loving confidence into the world.
So it makes sense to me to approach vocal empowerment from a whole organism perspective… freeing emotional trauma, stuck energy, limiting beliefs & energy blocks. We each have the tools within us to access a joyful, thriving life experience.
Using Sound Tuning, Vocal Play, Vocal Resonance & Energy Mentoring, you will dissolve layers of ‘old stuff’ faster than you ever thought possible, and begin to thrive in previously uncomfortable situations.
Freeing your voice, will change your entire life experience. AND… I will show you how easy, fun & powerful it can feel!
See options below
The results are immediate
“Working with Elisha has been amazing in terms of how much shift there has been in such a short time. I would never have felt comfortable or willing to publicly use my voice in the way that I now do and the soothing effect that I can access through the exercises is so overt that I marvel at it every time!
Elisha embodies all the qualities that I needed to facilitate this process; warmth, patience, relatability, demonstrations of both playfulness and expertise. I have gained so much personally, and professionally, from this time and will be back for more.”
See below for more information on Vocal Sessions
Session options
Casual or Introductory Vocal Session
’Unlock core limiting beliefs’
60 min Session | $110
90 min Session | $165
Unlock & reset core limiting beliefs and introduce vocal play. Learn tools, exercises & playful techniques to explore your voice.
Vocal Mentoring Programs
4 Week
Vocal Mentoring Course
All sessions are tailored for your specific needs based on your initial consult session in Week 1.
Can Include Biofield Tuning, Ancestral Reprogramming, Body Release techniques, Vocal Freedom Tools & Self Empowering Energy Resonance Tools.
• 1 x 90min session ( Week 1 )
• 3 x 60min sessions
• Weekly email with Journalling Exercise, video tutorial & key information for the session.
• Guided meditations to take you deeper in your own time.
Learn how to ‘tune’ your body instrument, free your vocals & experience pleasure through voice resonance.
The tools you will learn during the Vocal Mentoring programs will show you that vocal confidence & pleasure go hand-in-hand. To enjoy your voice, performance, teaching or creative opportunities, I will show you that our vocal resonance is intricately connected with our self love, our ability to receive & sink into pleasure as well our sensitivity.
It’s ALL ENERGY… and you can learn to work with this energy skillfully to empower your voice & presence & connect authentically with your audience in any situation.
Healing & growth doesn’t have to be hard and heavy.
During each session we embody playfulness, curiosity & a self-loving approach to vocal pleasure.
Who is Wild Song Mentoring for?
This work is for anyone who wants to play more, sing more, enjoy your voice, unlock your confidence, embrace your humanness, heal trauma & negative self talk, navigate your emotions & design your best life.
Every Human, all ages!
Sound Healers & Practitioners
Experienced Singer/Songwriters
Healers & Facilitators
Teachers & Presenters
Mums & Dads
(no experience needed)
Why is it so terrifying sharing my voice?!
I share these tools, because as a leader, singer, facilitator, teacher… I had to walk into that discomfort (even terror), over & over to find my own resources, to free my self expression & love my voice.
I don’t think it should have to take you the 10 years it took me to access your creative gold.
I was the terrified new singer on stage with red face, cold sweats and forgotten lyrics. I was the Army officer who choked with ‘fraud syndrome’ presenting to a panel of male officers.
I have been the partner in relationship who couldn’t speak up for myself or articulate my needs because I didn’t even know what they were, I hadn’t yet accessed the self love & honour I have now… and I was playing the disempowered victim.
I was so caught up being the ‘nice-girl’, ‘polite & perfect’ that I couldn’t just sing for the joy, for the pleasure of it.
When I started to let go of what other people thought, respect myself in all my glory and flaws and honour my heart and soul… the freedom to play, sing, freestyle, create, be spontaneous, be myself and feel comfortable exploring all became easier, step by step.
I know the feeling of freeze-fear, ‘stage-fright’, strangled throat… and I love sharing the tools and tweaks to reframe the game!
Full & fearless expression of our truth, colour & creative spice is sexy, wholesome… and delicious liberation for the Spirit!
Whether you are a professional singer or creative looking to open up more options, gain more confidence, understand the energy of performing and ‘working the crowd', or you are a beginner looking to explore your voice… you will gain skills AND have fun. Here are some options to start with and programs to go deep.