“Your Wild Song is the
untamed, unmuted,
unedited, undiluted truth
that resides at your centre.
It is constantly singing you home
through your childlike innocence,
primordial power
and intuitive impulse.”
Wild Song Programs open so much more than your voice…
They are designed
for you to
‘Sing yourself up’.
To sing yourself up, in Australian First Nations language, is to reclaim your knowing of yourself as a child of immeasurable divine power and creative abundance. To reclaim your power, sovereignty and direct connection to all of life, the dialogue with the trees, the water and stars… is to experience the fullness of your Spirit embodied.
There are many reasons we give our power away to others, sometimes we don’t even know we have become numb, or stopped dreaming, or that we have aligned with someone else’s idea of how life should be.
And yet each time we align to someones else’s truth, we slowly diminish our true voice, our power, we corrode our sense of creative freedom, our connection to nature’s wisdom, and to our dreams.
It weakens our courage to stand up for what we believe in, and makes us numb to the subtle energy that is always guiding us towards our best life.
In essence, Wild Song programs are an immersion through voice & sound into unapologetic self love & remembering of who you are.
This is what imbues your presence with power, grace and magnetic presence.
“I am buzzing at the amazing work you do, it’s extremely inspiring and deeply truthful. I’m profoundly grateful and can’t wait to share it with others.”
Read on for more info or check out the Workshops, Retreats, Online Courses and 1:1 Mentoring
When you use your voice to speak, sing, express your true nature… it is the doorway to inner freedom.
Our voice is an extension of our heart. Our heart is the interface for our Soul.
We all learn to blend in, fit it, stay invisible, and remain smaller than our soul’s blazing radiant light knows itself to be… we do it by wearing masks… I’m ‘this or that’… I’m a healer, business woman, philanthropist, doctor, mother… I’m intelligent, educated, successful, look at all the things, achievements, status I have to prove it… or we stay small, ‘I’m dumb, unimportant, too small, too shy, too….’
Just like our identity masks, did you know we all wear ‘voice masks’?
Until you know yourself in your full power & grace, these masks (that seem invisible to us, yet glaringly obvious to others) give away our insecurities, fears, self defeating beliefs… simply through the pitch, tone & timbre of our voice, and the delivery of our sound.
Our Soul knows its glorious colour, flavour and brilliance!!
It knows how unlimited its possibilities are for this life, and it came here to play… Sometimes we just need to get out of our own way!
What better way to get straight to the heart of our ‘smallness’, than to sing, love ourselves for all our imperfections, share our voice and our vulnerable hearts…
Are you ready for some delightful, powerful, unexpectedly playful transformation of Voice, Heart & Soul??
Avatar Sonic Dreamweaving | Byron Bay 2019
“I love this. This is the first time I have ever done toning. Thank you for being so descriptive with how to breathe and helping me to visualise where the energy was vibrating in my body. When I let go around my sacral chakra I felt quite emotional. Now I feel so much lighter. I will revisit this practice. Thank you for sharing. Love and gratitude.”
Learning objectives:
Voice, Creativity & Power are intrinsically linked.
Women in childbirth are now taught to tone, and ‘sound out’ during their contractions as a way of releasing & directing energy & staying present through the intensity of labour.
The soft sounds of a Mother’s voice and song, is the most soothing vibration on the planet for her baby. Sound is powerful medicine!
It’s more than just music, it is vibration that resonates in our soul.
Our throat chakra is linked to 2 other energy centres of our bodies;
The Sacral — Sacred Womb/Birthing of Life, Fertility and Sexuality for both men and women,
and the Third Eye — our Intuition, Visionary and Clear ‘Seeing’, the clarity of our unique truth.
The Throat is one of the 12 major energy points of the body, taught across many ancient traditions as our outwards flow of ‘Self’, where we express our individuality. When it is blocked we become over sensitive, emotionally explosive if we can’t express our needs, we shy away from expressing our creativity, our uniqueness, our song, our sound, our beliefs and our truth, ESPECIALLY if that’s going to upset someone or mean we don’t fit society’s ‘rules’, because then it endangers our sense of Belonging, a core survival need.
Trauma or lack of self respect in any of these 3 centres has similar effects — of diluting our power, energy flow, connection to our feelings and our body and numbing to the wisdom of these centres. For both Women and Men, any blocks, repression or shame around our sexuality influences our vocal freedom, our personal empowerment and our creative expression.
Wild Song is a calling home, to your centre.
Yes, you will learn how to find your voice, expand your confidence and vocal repertoire and access your playful, cheeky inner child… and the deeper freedom you will experience will ripple into every pillar of your life, relationships, career, money flow, creativity, sex life…
Essentially the invitation is to own your radical, beautiful, cheeky, playful, soft, squishy, badass self in all its colour and spice!
Reclaim your vocal freedom
Speak your truth
Learn to tune your body instrument
Discover your ‘home note’
Learn how to balance with sound
Access your creative flowstate
Re-write negative, limiting patterns
Trust your inner bio-feedback guru
Feel the Wisdom in the ‘spaces between’
“I never thought of using my voice to help me move stuck or stagnant energy in my body, or to embed new information into my cells through vibration. I really didn’t anticipate that I would get so much healing from this workshop. I really recommend it to anyone for any reason, working through their stuff. For me, it brought a lot of calm in my body, because so much of my repressed expression was able to have a voice. If you struggle with anxiety and self-expression, I highly recommend Elisha’s workshops and just Elisha really. I know in which ever way she works, she is powerful. An authentic person who really devotes herself to spiritual growth.”
Everything is energy…
so how do we ‘tune our own biofield’?
“It is necessary that biology incorporate an understanding of energetics and energy fields, because energy waves profoundly influence matter.”
Emotions, thoughts, fears, beliefs… are felt in our bodies in subtle, and sometimes overwhelming ways! It is known as our ‘Subtle Body’. You know when you walk into a room and something feels tense, or you get shivers down your spine like you shouldnt be somewhere? It’s all energy, experienced through our feeling senses. We can only see 10% of the avialble specturm of light, which is why cats seem to stare at invisible ‘beings’ sometimes and dogs can hear tings we can’t. All of these frequencies influence our physical body and state of mental health.
Sound is an energy wave, and sound can be tuned, JUST LIKE ANY INSTRUMENT. We are made up of vibrating atoms, each with their own resonance field. We get out of tune, and feel ‘off’ for so many reasons… and its sooooo very simple to use our own voice as our sound tuning device. Our cells have hundreds of ‘antenna’ on the membrane wall. They respond over 1000x faster to energy and sound vibrations than they do through chemical or hormone signals that have to move through the fluids of the body.
You will learn simple tools for tuning your biofield, and reconnecting with the peace and wisdom at your centre.
Emotion is a felt sense in the body. It is a frequency that offers information to our cells.
Sound regulates our entire body and it’s systems
The health benefits of meditation are widely taught in this era of our human story, where the stresses of our modern life disconnect us from the wisdom of our bodies. And now it is becoming scientifically proven that what our body and soul have whispered to us for Eons, before science and ‘validation’… is that Song and Sound heal, harmonise and vitalise our body, mind, heart and energy fields.
Some benefits of toning and specific sound frequencies I have experienced, and that science has measured:
— Instant activation of the Vagus Nerve at the base of the brain
— Immediate calming of Brain Wave activity
— Shift from fight-flight-freeze to rest-heal-recover
— Lowered heart rate & Blood Pressure
— Slower breathing
— Deeper sleep patterns
— Increased oxytocin (the love hormone)
— Deeper connection with self and others
— Calmer mind, clearer thinking
— Increased creativity and productivity
You will learn to become your own Sound Healer and Visionary
We can tune our cells, tune our feelings and harmonise our mind almost instantly through music, and using our OWN VOICE to resonate our bodies from the centre outwards. Its quite delightful really, our most powerful tools are hiding in plain sight, BREATH, SOUND & SELF AWARENESS.
Every negative belief about ourselves is simply a frequency loop, held in the body, that can be re-programmed. Sound has the power to activate cellular change in an instant. If you invite an anxious child to tone or sing with you for just 20 secs, you will notice an instant change in their mood, behaviour and connection to their joy. Us grown up kids are no different… we just have a shit ton of limiting beliefs about ‘appropriateness, politeness, fitting in, being mature, what’ll people think,
Your body is an instrument that needs regular ‘tuning’.
There are many, many different ways of tuning our biofield. Nature is one of my favourites, ocean swims, meditation, writing and art… and Singing and sound tools!
When we use sound and song daily, in many playful and meditative ways, we can quickly tune ourselves back into the vibration of our own harmonic frequency, the ‘you’ that is healthy, peaceful and un-fucked with by life dust.
Sound, song and story have been fundamental to life across all cultures, on every continent.
They have been used in celebration, for healing physical and spiritual imbalances, for inducing trance-like states where shamans can journey into the invisible realms, for carrying wisdom to future generations, for bringing people together with a unified voice. We now know that the hearts bio magnetic field is up to 60,000x more powerful than the brain, and when we sing together our heart beats synchronise, we feel connected, lighter, happier, more compassionate… its a powerful force of nature!