My Vision of Remembering
When I first recognised the pain in my soul, of denying, hiding, suppressing my voice, artistry & creative nature, I already knew it was too late to turn back.
From sport, military & mining, to art, music, vanlife wandering, festivals, vocal exploration, songwriting & motherhood… I could never again accept the pain of suppressing my creative soul, it’s impulses & dreams, to live a ‘conventional life’.
When you have felt the joy of being consumed by the moment, lost in the the dance, the song, the flow of creativity… that feeling… is a beacon that will never stop calling you home, to your true Self.
I believe in a world that celebrates the unique song we each hold… that song is the flavour, spice, unique expression, gifts and heart resonance we came here to share. I believe in supporting one another to realize the rich tapestry of our interwoven gifts... to me, that’s how we create and amplify abundance for all.
In the re-discovery of my creative nature, a commitment to tuning back into my own gifts, I have had to remember how to listen deeply. Listening deeply, for me, has meant unapologetic truth speaking, slowing my mind and my pace, emptying my body of other peoples ‘stories’ about how I should be, what’s right for me, learning how to connect inwards again, to my wisdom, creativity and the intelligence bubbling from the silent spaces inside.
‘You are the Universe, singing itself into creation’
We are literally walking sound waves. Every thought, feeling, belief, fear, dream… they all have an energy signature that is invisible yet potent. Tuning back into the song that I am, unmuted and unedited, has been the greatest journey of my life so far.
Hi! I’m Elisha Xantaya
And I guide individuals and groups of all ages into the remembering of their power, creativity and unmanifested potential through Courses, Workshops & Retreats. We use sound, play, shamanic journeying and energy mastery tools to shed old stories, ancestral imprints and remember our true purpose for being.
My journey hasn’t always been so free flowing and creative. The anxiety, fear and loss of my true self, has been a invisible force guiding my last 8 years to greater freedom.
I know what it feels like to freeze on stage, to forget my lyrics in fear paralysis, I have felt crippling anxiety with physical nausea for a year during my Army Career, slowly crumbling with the stories of self doubt… ‘you’re not intelligent enough, tough enough, you’re a fraud’.
I have experienced the over compensation of trying to be one of the boys because I disowned my feminine power and sensitivity. I have felt the cold stone of dread in my stomach going to a job I hated, in fear of the ‘bully’ … and all of it channeled me towards art, music, freedom of spirit, empowerment, learning the art of feminine attraction and creative abundance. Thank fuck for that!!
Wild Song & Attunement Programs
These transformational programs are birthed from my personal journey to rediscover my true nature after a lifetime of absorbing other peoples ideas and cultural imprints of how I should be.
With a curious mind, a fortunate upbringing and a gypsy spirit, I rediscovered my creative, inner child through the dust of fear and insecurity, cleverly disguised as a successful, professional and well mannered human being.
My journey has guided me to a liberated new view of this Sacred Earth as a playground for our imagination, and inspired me to share the powerful tools I have learnt along the way for designing our most free and creative life, as a human collective. If we can’t imagine peace on our planet, how can it ever possibly exist? Everything starts in the imagination.
I guess you could say, I’ve given myself permission to be a kid again. Sometimes a boss, a performer, a business woman… its really only limited by our imagination and choices.
My life so far, has been all of the colours of the spectrum. From a fortunate, sporty upbringing, 7 years as an Engineer Officer in the NZ Army, 4 years as a Graphic Artist and Illustrator, to self–employed freelance designer with few business skills.
I was introduced to the music scene as a singer in the band 'Late, Lost and Rustic', then entered 4 years blasting in Australian Coal Mines. This phase included a perspective shattering, traumatic situation, which was the catalyst to begin exploring a life of meaning and purpose.
My work focuses on Sound as a vehicle for healing and empowering our truth, for true freedom of Spirit and to inspire our collective song.
This vision flows through all of my work (which really feels like play) and includes Sonic Dreamweaving Experiences, ‘Wild Song’ Vocal Freedom Courses & Retreats, 1-1 Vocal Mentoring, Resonance Attunement Sessions, Songwriting, Art and ‘Dreamweavers Rising’ Community Gatherings,.