‘Voice Alchemy'
…is a powerfully transformational course, designed as a curious adventure into your authentic voice & fearless vocal expression!
“I’m so freakin proud of myself for doing this!! Every week I’ve nearly dropped out, then I do the task and I feel amazing!”
2023 Courses
Begin May 2023
Please contact me for the return students discount code & special offers
Are you ready for a deep connection with your Soul’s creative potential?
This is an invitation for 5 weeks of getting to know your voice, of empowering tools & education, playful self exploration & the reclaiming of any unloved aspects of ourselves. We do this through video tutorials, a weekly group Zoom session and ‘homeplay’… where the magick & discovery really happens.
Every Body can sing. We are designed as resonance chambers in a constantly vibrating molecular instrument… when we drop comparisons, we can feel that we ARE the gift.
Vocal Freedom is more than just learning to love your voice. It’s discovering your vibrational nature, uncovering the negative beliefs and masks that have kept us small, or hidden… and ‘best-friending’ them back into our wholly accepting heart.
That’s deep Self Love.
And there are many reasons people decide to embark on this Journey into their Wild Soul Song…
Why jump on board this adventure?
• Maybe you want to gain confidence to speak, sing or stand up for yourself.
• Maybe you want to discover the incredible healing power of your voice on your body, heart, energy field & environment.
• Or discover the power of sound & resonance to open your creative treasure chest & channel the gifts within.
• Maybe it’s a focused investment of vitality & energy for your own creative Lifeforce,
• For some, it’s a discovery of the wild, untamed song that sings through your bones, an experience of self real-isation…
• And for others it’s simply a pathway to bring more play, less seriousness & greater pleasure into your life.
Course Reflections
“Wow! What a sensational course. This is by far the best course I have done online.
The way it’s structured allows for an intimacy and connection with the group unlike anything I have experienced online before. The content is profound and life changing if you’re ready to go there. Not only do I enjoy the sensation of resonating now, I also feel more comfortable with being vulnerable and authentic, learning to accept who I am in my full range of colour and flavour.
This is a must do for anyone who wants to explore their unique voice, both in expression and sound, and to understand their vulnerabilities or default protective responses that sometimes stop us from truly connecting to ourselves and those around us.
Elisha is an amazing human who gently and safely guides you on a journey to the deeper parts of yourself. This course is an investment to help you experience living more deeply and authentically. ”
How would it feel, to be so comfortable in your skin that you gave yourself full permission to play, sing, speak & dream up your best life?
The tools we will be using on the course are:
Sound & Biofield Education
For understanding of the power of sound to ‘tune’, heal & access our physical, mental, emotional & etheric bodies. So that when we ‘play’ with vibration, resonance, visualisation & meditation, we truly understand the miracle that is happening at our molecular level & the power we have to effect ours & others body & energy, and the world around us.
Resetting the ‘Body Compass’
To tune back to our sensitivity, intuition & creative expression.
Silliness & Play
Because this is where untapped potential lives, tools to undo the ‘seriousness’ program.
Imagineering & Intuition
Because this rebuilds the trust in our own voice of truth, & song chanelling.
Vocal Techniques
Using tools to unlock our power & authentic, unedited truth.
Group Connection
Because being witnessed by equally vulnerable team members, is a powerful, safe & supportive container for deep transformation.
Nature Playdates
Because she is our greatest teacher. Her energy & wisdom whispers through our bones when we remember how to listen. She can show us how to tune back into our own Wild Song, she heals our biofield simply being in her forests & oceans.She is a constant source of inspiration for our artistry.
The transformations are powerful
“I’m so freakin proud of myself for doing this!! Every week I’ve nearly dropped out, then I do the task and I feel amazing!
As I long as I remember I never liked my voice. I always thought I was really bad at singing. So I’ve been reflecting on why, and how that happened. Once I became aware of how I’ve been thinking about myself, I found it weird that I’ve been so hard on myself all these years.
For some reason I don’t sing any more, I don’t like to talk in front of groups of people, I think I look stupid, or dumb or I’m not good enough. So now I’m becoming more aware, it’s not an instant change into ‘oh, now I like my voice’, but I can see it now. I’m becoming aware of how silly it is to hold those beliefs, and also how sneaky it is that you don’t even realize they’ve taken over.”
“After week 1, the next day after our session I was having a jam, singing with a friend and I noticed a very big change in my voice. I always felt there was something blocking in my throat, and I can feel that my voice has opened up, especially when I sing Indian songs. Usually they’re a bit difficult when it comes to the tones, and I can feel now they’re very free flowing. That really made me feel alive, and I started liking my singing actually.
Doing the Nature song challenge, was amazing. I usually connect to my tree just through meditation but this was such a powerful experience using the toning. I noticed all my energy centers opened, and I felt a very strong connection to my country, Mother India.
It’s amazing, this practice is opening up my singing, it’s very magick how, just in one session, all the possibilities are opened up. I notice, now, the feeling of the high, low & mid range tones in my throat, the toning is such an amazing tool.”
The Content
Week 1:
Vibrational Attunement
Tuning your Body Instrument & Learning about your Human Biofield
You'll learn to use vocal tone to clear & reset your energy field, to discover your full vocal range, tune inwards to your untapped body wisdom, and begin your Jedi Energy Training! You'll begin to tune into the conversation of nature and the effect of your energy & vibration on the plamsa field within & around us. We will also introduce the concept of Voice Masks, and all the ways we hide our dilute ourselves.
Week 2:
’Unbecoming Who We Are Not’ & Freestyle Creativity
Best Friending Yourself, Dissolving the People Pleasing Bug & Unmasking OUR VOICE.
This week we’re focused on ‘Unbecoming Who We Are Not’! Using playful vocal exercises, partner play & creative song writing to reveal & begin to dissolve any resonance you have accumulated from your past, holding you in limiting patterns... essentially this is about discovering your true voice, beneath the layers of ‘who I should be’. We’ll explore Heart Coherence & learn about harmonic resonance.
Week 3:
Exploring the Whole ‘Body Instrument’
Power, Tone & Authentic Voice
This week we will focus on the technical aspects of the voice: Power, Pitch, Tone, and our ‘Authentic Voice’. And… we’ll play with embodying that power through exercises and challenges. We’ll learn about diaphragm, breath, posture, intention, appreciation, and self observation to begin reclaiming the power we ‘give away’ energetically, mentally and through subcosncious behaviours.
Week 4:
Harmonics, Pleasure & Creative Flowstate
Calling back your Wild Untamed Song
Week 4 is for discovering the magick of harmonics as a sensation in your body, how we can access our intuitive flow and tune into the constant song, creativity & wisdom flowing through & around us. We’ll do this by exploring the 4-Step Flowstate System, and getting amongst some song writing for our Grande Finale Concert in Week 5.
Week 5:The Grande Finale
putting it all together & celebrating the shifts
Week 5 is simply a sharing of our soul flavours in a final session together. You’ll share the song you wrote from week 4, have some laughs, share your feels & float off into the continuation of a newfound vocal & creative expression.
The Flow
Time commitment: 3-6hrs each week
30-45min to watch a video & do a journaling exercise prior to each weeks class
90min Live Class each week
10min resonance meditation daily
30-45min ‘Voiceplay Challenge’ each week
This Course is for those who are ready to commit to your best version of life, you will get out what you put in so I encourage you to make sure you can show for the Live Classes &
How it works
Each Wednesday: Email received
1. Video Tutorial for following weeks class
You will receive an email with a video tutorial (20min) that you'll need to watch prior to our live Wednesday group session with educational content. That means we can spend more time on the embodied practices when we come together on Wednesdays.
2. Journal exercise
There is an exercise for you to complete relevant to the next weeks live session... it is designed to be very illuminating and to help shift the old beliefs.
Each Sunday morning:
We will have a 90min group Zoom call together... A playdate involving vocal & creative exercises to explore & integrate the weeks teachings. We’ll utilise breakout rooms & it’s recommended to have a space to yourself so you feel comfortable to make some sound!
Homeplay & Video Reflections
Need to be completed by Wednesday so you can focus on the new weeks teachings & journal reflections
After each live Sunday class you'll receive:
1. A vocal resonance meditation
2. A creative challenge
You'll share a video reflection of this into the WhatsApp Group (BY WEDNESDAY EVE). These may involve nature playdates with sound, voice resonance, creative writing, song writing... and more.
Private WhatsApp Group:
We will all be linked into a private Facebook Group where we get to share this incredible journey together.
Additional Resources:
You will have access to a variety of recorded meditations and videos to help support your vocal practices over the course.